Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Target Billboard

This Times Square billboard is an ad, art installation, innovative marketing strategy, gimmick, and social statement at all once. It was designed by 4 NY artists (Laurie Rosenwald, Michael Anderson, Josh Goldstein and Charles Wilkin), and will eventually be recycled into tote bags. The distinct sections are all pulled together by their bold use of colors and collage, reference to iconic NYC symbols, and--most importantly--the bullseye logo that has become so instantly recognizable that it renders the word "Target" unnecessary in this context.
Clockwise from left: 1) asymmetric design with figures looking past the edge of the frame to the city. 2) repeating pattern of NYC signs in a triptych format, overlaid with huge spiral logo that ties them together and creates a sense of movement. 3) NYC icons (statue, apple) in a diptych format, silhouetted against undulating blue background. Though the designs are balanced, the repeating logo motif creates a dynamic pattern. 4) use of hand lettering, arrows, and loosely drawn illustrations references graffiti culture, contributes to a more casual, quirky feel.

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